Level Up Fishing Podcast – Episode 8 – Fishing Patterns, Not Spots

Fishing Patterns, Not Spots – Level Up Fishing Podcast Hosts Stormy Cochran and Andy Cochran (Owners of GSO Fishing)

Fishing Patterns, Not Spots…what does that even mean? Fish behave in patterns. Those patterns can be seasonal patterns like spawning times, winter habitat vs, summer habitat, etc, but you can get even more specific with advanced patterns like weather fronts, wind conditions, and channel swings. After establishing a more advanced pattern, you can then go even deeper with targeted tournament patterns that require a specific jig head or color pattern…but we’re getting ahead of ourselves.

Many anglers have “their spots” that they like to fish, but what happens when the fish feel pressured and stop biting, or the lake level drops, or you show up that morning and two other anglers are already fishing in the same spot??? By understanding what it is about that spot that is holding fish (water temp, depth, food source, structure, etc.,) then you can take that pattern information and target similar spots around the lake. 

In this episode, we discuss how a simple Google search is a great place to start building season patterns and how more time on the water can help you develop more advanced patterns. We talk about what to look for when establishing a pattern and cover the importance of situational awareness. We also cover how patterns change and what to do when that happens.

Don’t forget to download your free copy of our fishing log. You can print it off and fill it out or even just use it as a reference when taking your own notes. Click Here To Download.

As always, if you have any questions about this episode of the Level Up Fishing Podcast, please don’t hesitate to comment below or reach out to us at info@gsofishing.com

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