When we first started GSO back in 2006 rod color was the last thing on our minds. As time went on we noticed that it almost never failed that we would be trying to steer out of heavy trolling traffic and a fish would bite so subtlety that customers sometimes struggled to see when a fish hit the line. Thus, we would call out which rod the fish was on but when all the rods are black or red it can be a struggle.
The other problem we faced was when we’d troll over a large school of salmon and there were multiple fish on multiple rods, with multiple people reeling in and we’re trying to net fish while calling out which rods to reel in next. (It can be an extremely fun rodeo on our boats at times.)
I’m Not A Guide:
You might think ‘that doesn’t apply to me. I’m not a fishing guide…’ Well, we noticed the same trend when we would take our daughters, extended family, and friends on the boat. We would say “there’s a fish on the black rod” but with 6 rods rigged at once, they wouldn’t have any idea which rod we were talking about.
That’s when we found Velocity rods. They come in black, red, blue, green and pink. We find that it’s easier to say “fish on the pink rod”, or “fish on the blue rod” than trying to say left or right black rod.
In full disclosure not all of our guides use these rods or use multiple colored rods on their boats. We are not a Velocity rod affiliate we just really like their rods and find their multiple colors are much easier to use on our boat.
Fun Fact: On average our pink rod catches more fish than all the other rods! We have no idea why but it wins almost every time.
Learn more about Velocity rods on their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Velocity-fishing-international-886045674756609/
Or visit their website: http://fishvelocity.com/