In the Spring you can often find Browns with bellies full of various sizes of crawdads. It’s easy to tell what they have been feasting on because when you pick the fish up out of the water their bellies are distended and feel a bit “crunchy.”
Fishing bottom contact lures like our Premium Football jig heads and TRG MudBugs, is a great way to match the hatch. When they are fished properly, they often produce great results.
1 – Use It As A Jig Trailer.
We designed the MudBugs to match our Premium Finesse Football Head jigs, but they will work great with a lot of other jigs as well. Matching these with any Finesse jig on the market makes the perfect combination jig head and jig trailer.
2 – Use It On A Football Head
Our MudBugs are the perfect size to tempt any fish that eats crawdads. A football head is a great head when you want the craw to lay along the bottom in a natural position.
3 – Ned Rig Bait
A technique that’s grown in popularity the last few years is the Ned Rig. This rig utilizes a stand-up head and the TRG MudBugs are the perfect bait for it. The buoyancy of the Mudbugs creates a defensive crawdad’s pose with the claws up high. A very visual and easy meal for any predator.
Additional Tip: If you are getting bites but the fish aren’t fully committing to your bait before switching to another lure try fishing different colors/patterns of the same bait. Often times it is the color/pattern that is wrong and not the bait.